On this page we will build up a list of frequently asked questions, plus accompanying answers. Send any questions to archivist@respiceprospice.co.uk.
Respice Prospice contains a set of records of Events, People and Places and interrelate these.
1. A Person can be linked to one or more Events and vice versa.
2. A Place can be linked to one or more Events and vice versa.
3. Digital Assets, which are currently PDF documents and photos, describe People, Places and Events.
Over time the numbers of records in the database will grow significantly as we digitise our historic archives.
If you enter a search string into a search bar you will receive a set of People, Events, Places and Digital Assets. Select any record to view included and then use "Related Records" to explore further. Use the filters to narrow your results.
If you visit a Digital Asset click on the thumbnail (photos only) or [...] to view the actual content.
Use the Explore icons on the home page or in the menu bar to browse People, Events, Places and Digital Assets. Select any record to view included description and then use "Related Records" to explore further. Use the filters to narrow your results.
If you visit a Digital Asset click on the thumbnail (photos only) or [...] to view the actual content.
Historically most Club records describe people using their forename initials plus surname only. Occasionally people might be referred to using their forename or nickname, often in end of season newsletters. But this is inconsistent, and some reports just refer to the surname alone.
The modern style is to always use forename plus surname.
So the database records forenames and surnames, or initials and surnames plus forename in the alias list if this is known.
If a forename does become known we try to use this in the modern way and move the initials to the alias lists. But we are also face tagging people in our digitised photos. This causes a problem as the face tags are embedded into the digitised photos and so are difficult to change. Hence the first name format used to face tag a photo must be applied consistently to all other photos for that person. There are ways to overcome this limitation but this is a relatively expensive option and we have higher priorities for future developments at the moment.
All people under the age of 18 are only identified by their forename even though the surname is recorded. When the age of 18 is attained the surname will be displayed so that the history is indexed and recorded for those who played in the Minis and Youth.
The "Person Content Span" period shown on People records is calculated by finding the earliest and latest references to a person and measuring the time between these. As it will take some considerable time to load all of our historic records some patience is needed for individual "Person Content Span" periods to be accurate.
iPhone or iPad
1. Open Safari. Other browsers, such as Chrome, won't work for this.
2. Navigate to www.respice.rpospice.co.uk
3. Tap the Share button on the bottom of the page. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing out of the top.
4. In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Tap this. The Add to Home Screen dialog box will appear.
5. Choose a name for the website shortcut on your home screen. You'll see the link so you can confirm it, as well as the site's favicon that will appear as the "app" icon on your home screen. Click Add when you're done. Safari will close automatically and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPhone’s or iPad's home screen.
6. Now just tap the new "app" or shortcut on your home screen, and it will open the website in its own navigation window, independent of what you have open in Safari.
1. Open Chrome.
2. Navigate to www.respice.rpospice.co.uk
3. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to homescreen.
4. Choose a name for the website shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your home screen.