Sole People Profile
EGM Notice October 2022
Type: Document
Date: 21-09-2022
In this document: Rob Williams
Copyright: © Ealing Football Club (RU)

Ealing Rugby 1871 - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

As part of the process by which this association became a voting member of the Rugby Football Union it has been required to adopt specific additional language within its Rules.

Accordingly, this is to give the requisite 21 days’ notice to members of Ealing Trailfinders Rugby Club, who are, of course, by virtue of their membership of that club also members of Ealing Rugby 1871 (“the Association”), that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association will be held on Tuesday 18th October 2022 at 2000 hours in the Verandah Room of the Olympic Pavilion, Trailfinders Sports Club, Vallis Way for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolution:

THAT the existing Rule 2 of the Association’s Rules be, and is hereby, replaced by the following:

“The Club shall conform to the laws of the Rugby Football Union and shall have as its objects, in particular:

  • To promote, encourage and foster the Game at all levels in the County of Middlesex
  • To ensure that the Game is played in accordance with the Laws of the Game, and
  • is administered in accordance with the World Rugby Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of the Union.” 

Dated this 21st September, 2022

For Ealing Rugby 1871

Robert Williams

Note: The existing Rule 2 of the Association’s Rules reads: “The Club shall conform to the laws of the Rugby Football Union”.

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