Sole People Profile
Wally Keenan RIP
Date: 31-03-1992 00:00
Type: Deceased
Section: Youth, Adults


I finish on a sad note, to say farewell to Ealing's No 1 supporter, Wally Keenan,
who died a short while ago. We will raise a glass to you, and I know you will be

Graham Fletcher - Over The Bar 1994

The Club has lost a good, unassuming member. Wally was a larger than life character, who supported the Club vocally, physically and practically during his relatively short membership of about 18 years.

A man of solid conviction and outspokeness, blended with kindliness and compassion towards his fellow men, always ready to offer a helping hand to those in need. A great toper, he was well known in many West London pubs, where his presence is missed.

His premature death at the age of 56, at the end of March, has left a gap in our Club ranks, and a great feeling of regret on the part of many people.

Cheers, Wally!

Date deceased is approximate.

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