Sole People Profile
David Pluckrose RIP
Date: 01-02-2018 00:00
Type: Deceased
Section: Adults


It is with deep sadness that the Club has learned of the passing of our Minis Chairman, David Pluckrose.

David served on the Club’s Executive Committee as our newest member and was straight in at the deep end in driving through significant change to the way Minis rugby was being directed by the game’s governing body.

His efforts have set the template for the section and we are truly grateful for all his hard work in moving this forward. His overriding priority however was a simple one, to always ensure the children enjoyed their rugby and left the field with a smile on their faces. They did.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and friends.

David’s funeral will be held on Friday 2nd March at 1.20pm at Mortlake Cemetery. The service will last approximately 40 minutes and a wake will be held afterwards at the Grange Pub in the Reading Room, Warwick Road, Ealing.

Lottie has asked that anyone who knew her and David who would like to attend is welcome.

Lottie has asked that flowers are from family only. She said that David did not like formality and would have felt uncomfortable if he knew that people were spending money on flowers when it could be used to help charities. Therefore, Lottie has set up two Just Giving pages for any of you who may have been thinking of getting flowers, and who may want to make a donation instead. The two charities are The British Heart Foundation and the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, where a medical team from the latter attended to David. More details are provided in the links below

In terms of dress code, we copy and paste from Lottie’s email “It’s come as you are, preferably not black unless you’re a Gothic in which case black is fine ? Cheery clothes definitely preferred.

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