Sole People Profile
Finchley 15 - 52 Ealing Trailfinders 1871 1sts
Date: 11-09-2021 15:00
Type: Match
Section: Adults

LocationSummers Lane
Pitch TypeGrass
CaptainLiam McDonagh
Vice CaptainLewis Steadman
CoachesMark Percival, Tom Gamage, Eddie Beck
Team ManagerRicky Spadavecchia 07956 442502
PhysioMatt Knights
TravelAll to go direct
Team MeetingChanging room 13:15. £5 fine into team kitty for late arrival. Message or phone team manager if running late.
Team RotaPost-match duties players 5 - 8
Dress code post-matchGrey Ealing Polo

If Friday or later cry-off then message or phone Ricky immediately 07956 442502

Team Selection

1 Tim Hitchcock
2 Liam McDonagh
3 Pat Nash
4 Spencer Hills
5 Jon McKeogh
6 Nyall Wake
7 David Niven
8 Oscar Avis
9 Kyle Beck
10 Harrison Slater
11 Harvey Paull
12 Josh Steadman
13 Max Muirhead
14 Ben Pink
15 Lewis Steadman


16 Evan Poole
17 Leighton Price
18 Jasper Singh
19 Adam Gilbert
20 Kavan Fitzpatrick
21 Dominic Taylor

Events People 27

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