Sole People Profile
W D C "Bob" Hedges RIP
Date: 20-12-1988 00:00
Type: Deceased
Section: Adults


W.D.C. Hedges (Bob) 4th August 1914- 20th December 1988


Bob joined the Club in September 1932, the same time as the writer of this
tribute to his sterling qualities and capability. He played second row for the 1st and A XV's and was awarded an A Cap in 1935/36.

Educated at Queens School Taunton, commissioned into the Somerset Light Infantry in September 1939 and severely wounded, losing a leg, in 1944. He bore this disability with amazing courage and fortitude for the rest of his life.

After the war he became Treasurer of the Club on its return to playing days, was elected President from 1961 to 1963; no respecter of persons who did not live up to his standards and not afraid to say so.

He retired from the family business in 1974, Benson & Hedges, cigar importers and cigarette merchants, of which he was Managing Director.

My son, who is Bob's godson, and I attended his cremation service at Yeovil, the Vicar of his Parish had been instructed by Bob what to say in his address!! Our sympathy goes to Joan who has already been written to by many older members.

Sam Larkin

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