Sole People Profile
Ealing Trailfinders 1871 35 - 24 UCFB
Date: 19-04-2024 19:30
Type: Match
Section: Adults

This is the annual Ealing Trailfinders 1871 v UCFB Bronson Cup fixture.

CompetitionUCFB Bronson Cup
LocationSee "Related Records & Places"
Pitch4G (Footwear Guide)
CaptainLuke Beasley
Vice CaptainDan Ford
CoachesEddie Beck, David Brathwaite
PhysioMatt Knights
RefereePeter Grant 07590 382204
TransportAt home
Match Day
18.30 Arrival Changing Room
19.30 KICK OFF
£5 fine into team kitty for late arrival. Message or phone team manager if running late.
Changing RoomChampionship
Ref Changing RoomOP2
Team RotaPre-match/post-match duties players: 7 - 9
Dress code pre-matchEaling logo grey polo
Dress code post-matchEaling logo shirt and tie
Pitchside AccessPersonnel permitted inside the pitch side barriers are restricted to referee and linesmen, team coaches, managers and medics, scoreboard managers, official photographers, substitute players and water carriers.

Team Selection

1 Luke Beasley
2 Stan Clauson
3 Rikardo Nika
4 Rowan Thomas
5 Connor Godfrey
6 Tom Penrose
7 Owen Jackson
8 Oscar Rogers
9 Dan Ford
10 Alex Gillespie
11 Ollie Overy-Jones
12 Joe Banks
13 Flynn Ward
14 Dan Nethercote
15 Charlie Evans


16 James Wilson
17 Chris Gregg
18 Andrew Quick
19 Sam Bowes-Reed
20 Leonardo Olivieri

1-09UCFBTry0 - 5
1-10UCFBConversion0 - 7
1-19Oscar RodersTry5 - 7
1-20Dan FordConversion7 - 7
1-21UCFBPenalty7 - 10
1-33UCFBTry7 - 15
1-37UCFBTry7 - 20
1-38UCFBConversion7 - 22
2-01UCFBPenalty7 - 25
2-06UCFBTry7 - 30
2-07UCFBConversion7 - 32
2-13Oscar RogersTry12 - 32
2-14Andrew QuickConversion14 - 32
2-18Joe BanksTry19 - 32
1-23Rowan ThomasTry24 - 32
1-39UCFBPenalty24 - 35
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