Sole People Profile
Person Content Span: 3 year(s)
Date Range: 09-04-1955 - 01-05-1958
P C Becker
Alias: Peter Becker
Role: Adult Player, Member/Supporter

Nigel Hickman says "After his time at Ealing Peter joined Beaconsfield where he captained the club for two seasons". "A tough wing forward."

Mike Williams says "I did know Peter Becker who as you say was a very robust player. I played in the match at UCS ground when Peter got sent off for a late tackle--he was very angry about the whole situation .

His first warning was for a definite late tackle on the opposition fly half, but he was sent off for a debatable late tackle later in the game. I was told that at the hearing he told the chairman of the committee hearing the case that it was nothing like as bad as he had seen him do at Twickenham!! He got a long suspension & by memory I don't think he played for Ealing again as he thought the club should have supported him more."

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