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Club 148th Dinner 2019 Presentation Notes 2019
Type: Document
Date: 26-04-2019
In this document: Pascal Baptiste, Peter Bennet, David Brathwaite, Paul Clarke, Dick Craig, Harry Craig, Ralph Crane, Dyll Davies, Jake Edmonds, Tom Gamage, John Gilbert, Fiona Gooley, Mike Gooley, Justin Green, Peter Green, Nick Greenhalgh, Izabella Grzyb, Reuben Hill, Reuben (Son) Hill, Paul Hoban, Adrian Hobbs, Adam Hulmston, Jez Inson, Paul Jackson, Rhidian Jones, Matt Knights, Donia Kostka, John Lacey, Nick Lambert, Sam Lindsay, Annie Lyndon, Liam McDonagh, Bill Miller, Charles Miller, Afzaal Mir, Sean Murphy, Brendan O'Flaherty, Mick O'Regan, Ben Pearson, Max Rivlin, Mark Rutherford, Darren Slater, Vittorio Spadavecchia, Ash Spencer, Bill Taylor, MC Tsang, Alex Turton, Jake Usher, Steve Verma, Richard Ward, Steve Weekes, Rob Williams, John Worthington
Copyright: © Ealing Football Club (RU)

Summary presentation notes for the evening beginning with recognition for the small army of volunteers that make it all work, seeing the end of six happy years with Nick Lambert as head coach plus five years with John Worthington as Captain, a season roundup including the introduction to the Seedlings, Saplings, Deciduous giants, Evergreens, and Deadwoods, all of which are essential to the success of the Ealing Rugby Forest.

Finally to the awards for the evening. With hindsight too much to fit into one evening.

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