Just been scrolling through your web site. Does anybody remember me, Jack Wilcock, or my son Garry? We spent many happy times at the old ground opposite Glaxo and remember with a great deal of affection the little stream at the front of the clubhouse that went under the name of "S-T CREEK" plus the memorabilia on the clubhouse wall and, of course, the crocodile that was "rescued" from the Grand Union Canal.
I was lucky enough to manage the Under 16’s in a very memorable and successful season when we won two 7’s tournaments on the same day - one with the backs and one with the forwards !
Garry and I spent far too much time in the clubhouse with Dave Phillips and his cronies playing cards and having pies and pasties for Sunday lunch instead of going home for our roast dinners.
We are both now living down in Hampshire and quite often talk about the "Good Old Days" at Ealing. Garry went into the army straight from school and played competitive rugby with the experience gained in his misspent youth at Ealing.
We would both like to hear from anyone currently at Ealing who remembers us. Names that spring to mind are Bill Taylor, Jack & Jason Snell, John & Mark Congerton, Jamie Camp, Jake Edmonds, Kieran Kelly, Jimmy Coombes, George Clempson - remember your 25th Wedding Anniversary when we did your catering of Moussaka?, Willie Williams, Gordon Griffiths and of course the A.I.B. who needed the odd player to fill in after a morning match.
Apologies to those of you who I have not mentioned as the old memory is playing tricks but I am sure it can be rejuvenated if you can find the time to make contact. We look forward to hearing from a BLAST FROM THE PAST.
Jack & Garry Wilcock (jack.wilcock@btinternet.com)